Tales From 1st Grade
Tales From 1st Grade
I've decided to mix it up a bit and share my day with you. Names have been changed to protect the innocent and let me add that I like to exaggerate a bit from time to time. All facts on this page are probably not true. Life is funny, kids are sometimes funny and I often find that I can't stop smiling during my days in 1st grade and that's a good thing. So I'd like to share some of my many moments with you. Please let me know how you like it. If you're a teacher with a tale of a good or unique day please send it to me through classroomtalk.com and I'll add it to my blog.
1. Note from a parent: "Johnny swallowed a marble. Can you please look for it?"
2. Question from a 1st grade girl to the teacher: "What's it like living life in high heels?"
3. Serious student writing "nonfiction : "You should never take a raccoon to the bank."