How to Keep Your Child Reading this Summer
A great way to keep your child interested in reading over the summer is to start a book club. It can be as simple or as elaborate as you choose. Parents should read the book selections first and outline some thoughtful questions that the kids can discuss. For younger readers questions should be simpler: Who? What? Where? Problem/Solution.
Older readers can be motivated by open ended questions to discuss what motivates a character, and their personal feelings and thoughts as to the book.
Here are a couple of tips to get you started:
1. Plan who will host each meeting. Serve themed refreshments that “go with” the book.
2. Plan a field trip at the end of the book. If the characters love science, go the local science museum. If you’re reading a dinosaur adventure, plan a “fossil dig” at a local park. If you’re reading Treasure Island plan a treasure hunt.
3. Let the members come up with a set of rules to govern the club. It should be decided before hand how books will be chosen and how much time members will have to read each selection.
Get creative and your book club members will develop a love of reading and increase their reading levels over the summer!