My daughter is a high school junior and attends a large public high school. She is a good student but I'm worried that with only two guidance counselors for the whole school, she won't get the help she needs applying to college. How can I help her? You have asked a great question at a perfect time! Junior year is one of the most hectic years of high school and there is a lot of...
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My son's teacher says his handwriting is horrible and she can't read it. How can I help him at home? Often poor handwriting is the result of underdeveloped fine motor muscles in the hand. Purchase pencil grips for use at home and school. The pencil grip will help your son hold the pencil correctly and in the proper position. There are also many exercises that you can utilize to improve fine motor skills. Tasks such...
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At what age should I send my child to preschool? Ordinarily age three is the ideal time to start preschool. Children at this age are ready to expand their social horizons and are developmentally ready to take part in activities which require patience and cooperation. Parents of two year olds are better off saving their money because toddlers at this early age do better playing with one other child rather than interacting in a group....
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To be ready for kindergarten children should master these skills before starting school: 10. Hold a book properly; 9. Hold a pencil or crayon and write with it; 8. Recognize the numbers 1-10; 7. Count up to 10 items; 6. Sort items by color, size, and kind; 5. Follow routines and two step directions; 4. Work and get along with other children; 3. Recognize some letter sounds; 2. Identify letters of the alphabet, and; 1....
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1. Personal Hand Sanitizer It's likely to be a bad flu season. Teach your child to use it frequently and always before lunch and after recess. 2. Antibacterial Wipes Do the poor teacher a favor and send a container to school so she can wipe off desks and other germy surfaces in the classroom. 3. Label Maker Label every lunch box, book bag, sweatshirt and notebook with your child's name. It will save you a...
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