10 Ways to Tick Off Your Child’s Teacher
If you want to start the New Year right, avoid doing the following:
- Ask about how your child is doing at pick-up in front of other parents, instead of scheduling a conference.
- Send your child to school without a jacket when it’s below 60 degrees.
- Assume that just because you can skip breakfast once in a while, it’s ok for your child to do the same.
- Think that a donut or any other sugary breakfast is a good way to start the school day.
- Encourage your child to keep a cell phone on in their backpack in case you need to reach them.
- Be late for pickup.
- Forget to check your child’s homework, backpack or folder.
- Force the teacher to send you several reminders before you remember to send back in permission slips or other important papers.
- Make excuses for your child’s inappropriate behavior.
- Let your child stay up as late as he wants.